Overview of Our Projects
We have based our focus areas and long-term strategy on two sustainable pillars. Our first and immensely important pillar is 'Emergency Aid' and support for people who have fallen into distress through no fault of their own, forced to leave their homes due to war, violence, terror, or adverse climatic and economic conditions. We do not discriminate based on skin color, origin, or religion.
The second equally important and supporting pillar is the sustainable support of disadvantaged women through a 'Women Education & Empowerment Center' in Izmir, which we opened in early 2021. Through this center, we aim to show people, especially women, ways to lead an independent life with dignity.
Wir glauben, Bildung ist ein Menschenrecht und jeder Mensch sollte Zugang zu Bildung haben.
Bildung ist die mächtigste Waffe um die Welt zu verändern.
(Nelson Mandela)
Wir glauben, Liebe und Mitgefühl stellen eine allgemeine, universelle Religion dar. Ganz ohne Tempel, Kirchen oder Glauben. Es genügt ein menschliches W esen zu sein mit einem Lächeln und einem warmen Herzen. (Dalai Lama)
Wir glauben, dass jeder Mensch für sich einzigartig und mächtig ist. Als Organisation ermutigen wir Menschen, Risiken einzugehen und Fehler zu machen. Wir lernen und wachsen und werden besser, stärker und intelligenter.
Leider sind in vielen Regionen dieser Erde, Menschen in Not noch immer auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Vor allem während der Wintermonate leisten wir an zahlreichen „Hotspots“ dieser Erde, humanitäre Nothilfe.
You can learn more about our emergency projects here.
The world seems to be in turmoil. The number of people fleeing war, conflict, and persecution worldwide has never been higher than it is today. By the end of 2020, the number of people displaced globally due to persecution, conflict, violence, and human rights abuses, as well as the impacts of climate change, stood at 82.4 million - which is 4 percent higher than the previous year. 2020 marked the ninth consecutive year in which this global displacement figure has risen.
You can learn more about our empowerment projects here.
During our work in emergency relief, we quickly realized that people on the run primarily desire an independent, secure, and above all, dignified life. As important and often life-saving as our work in emergency relief is, we believe it is equally important to support people in realizing their dream of an independent and dignified life.
For us, the right to education is just as much a human right as the right to food, security, and housing.