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Dear ones,

We still can't believe what happened there in the Kherson region.Only recently we were there with a team and saw, felt and experienced the conditions under which people have to live there. To inflict this catastrophe on them now can no longer be surpassed in terms of malice and contempt for humanity.

Even though Mattia and Markus have been traveling in the van since yesterday and are returning from the earthquake region of Hatay, all network and preparation wires are still running hot. While Mattia drives kilometer after kilometer behind the wheel, Markus writes, makes phone calls and plans in the passenger seat.

No later than June 18th. Our operations team will be on site and provide support wherever they can. The situation in Kherson is getting worse day by day. Aside from the fact that the evacuations are far from complete, the risk of infectious diseases such as dysentery or hepatitis A is increasing almost hourly. Because of contaminated water and the enormous lack of drinking water, people are increasingly suffering from diarrhea and the associated dehydration.

As always, we will do what we can. The plan is to drive from village to village with a cooperation partner and several teams with mobile filter systems and purify several thousand liters of water every day. In addition, supporting the evacuation teams, providing anti-diarrheal medication and dispensing electrolytes, as well as distributing small, mobile water filters to households. Everything else will be done on site. Humanitarian work is often extremely dynamic.

Are you there? Please help us to alleviate the suffering caused by the flood disaster in Ukraine!

Or directly to our donation account:

Three Musketeers Reutlingen e.V.IBAN: DE97 6405 0000 0100 1027 43BIC: SOLADES1REUKeyword “Ukraine flood disaster”

Your Musketeers

Photos with the kind support of dpa.


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